Living The Good Life
Many of us think moving thousands of miles away maybe somewhere warm is living the ‘good’ life but what if you look for things in your everyday life. I started this website to help people realise that each and everyday you can live the good life if you live with intention. How many of you wake up, go through your morning routine of getting ready for work to find that during your drive to work you can’t even recall if the light was green or red when you went through it. Our lives become daily repeats of the day before and we seek adventure and escape from our daily lives. Most times we believe the only solution is to take a trip somewhere. Everyday can be a blessing and seeing the good in everyday can change your mood and mental health as well.
Here are some simple things you can do to see the good in everyday.
Gratitude Journal
Go to your favourite book store and find a blank journal that you love and everyday write three things you are grateful for. It is be as simple as you are grateful you made an amazing cup of coffee that morning. It could be that you got all green lights on your drive into work. Or even more simply that you were grateful to be up to see the sun rise. Once you begin to make writing in your journal daily three things you are grateful for you will find that you will be intentionally looking for the good in each and every day.
Be Present
Many times we get too caught up in the electronic device that lives in our hands (our phone) that we are present and in the moment of where we are or who we are with. Next time you go for lunch with a friend or a colleague be sure to turn your ringer office and put your phone away and give that person your full attention. Enjoy the conversation. Savour the food you are eating and be in that moment. Whatever and whoever is on your phone can wait. Be thankful for the person in front of you and the joy of their company.
Take A Break
If you can take a real break from your work day take time to take a break. Go outside in nature and just observe. Take in your surroundings. Observe nature. Maybe you observe spring plants peeking through the soil ready to come to life. Maybe it is the multi coloured leaves of the trees falling. May it is the sounds of nature and birds singing among the hustle and bustle of the city streets. Take time each day for yourself and taking a break can re-charge you to take on the rest of the day and will allow you to marvel at the beauty around you.
Be Intentional About Being Positive
Our mindset is up to each and every one of us. If I was to ask you to think about someone you know that is always negative I guarantee each of you would have someone in mind. This person no matter what happens to and around them always looks for the worst in everything. Learn to be the opposite of that. Look for the good in everything. Even when bad things happen there usually is always a way to twist it to see the good in it or the benefit. It is all about prospective. Choose to be happy. Choose to be positive. Choose to look for the good in every day. If you surround yourself with positive people that will also help you keep a positive frame of mind. Set your intentions every morning and realise sometimes the things that happen ‘to’ you are actually happening ‘for’ you.
Appreciate what you have and be thankful for those in your life that make your world a better place. Despite where we live, what we do or how much money we have happiness can be found in all situations and circumstances.